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5 September-24 October 2010

"IMPRINT ’2008 PRIZEWINNERS" at Garafikens  Hus, Mariefred, Sweden (

Presentation of works by Kanako Murakami, Peter Ford, Ewa Walawska, Henryk Królikowski, Katarzyna Kijek, In Hee Bang, Stanisław Bałdyga, Leszek Hołdanowicz and Tomasz Winiarski – the winners of prizes and honorary mentions at the First Kulisiewicz International Graphic Arts Triennial in Warsaw IMPRINT’2008.

The exhibition also includes some prints by Tadeusz Kulisiewicz, the patron of the Triennial. The show presents a broad spectrum of contemporary graphic arts world and it is an important project that promotes the idea of IMPRINT.

IMPRINT - Exhibition
IMPRINT - Exhibition
IMPRINT - Exhibition
IMPRINT - Exhibition
IMPRINT - Exhibition

Photos: Modhir Ahmed

Organizers and Partners:
Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw , Tadeusz Kulisiewicz Grants and Awards Foundation, Grafikens Hus, Polish Institute in Stockholm , Tadeusz Kulisiewicz Drawings and Prints Centre in Kalisz, Kalisz District Museum, Kalisz

Honorary Patrons:
Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region, Mayor of the City of Kalisz

IMPRINT - Exhibition

Prezydent Miasta Stołecznego Warszawy Minister Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego Prezydecja 2011 Fundacja "Stypendia i Nagrody im. Tadeusza Kulisiewicza" Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie Mazowsze serce Polski Zakochaj się w Warszawie Zamek Królewski w Warszawie Pałac w Jabłonnie Fundacja im. Mariusza Kazany Mistrerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych