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IMPRINT 2011 Kulisiewicz International Graphic Arts Triennial in Warsaw

The idea of IMPRINT is to present graphic arts in conjunction with the disciplines of the humanities, creating space for interdisciplinary meetings and contacts. This is a cyclical non-commercial art event, one of the most important shows of contemporary graphic arts in the world.

IMPRINT 2011 Kulisiewicz International Graphic Arts Triennial has been organized by the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and the Tadeusz Kulisiewicz Grants and Prizes Foundation. The first edition of IMPRINT "Clashes between Civilizations" was held in 2008. The competition exhibition at the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw was a show of works by 210 artists from 44 countries.

The theme of the second edition of IMPRINT "Metropolis" has been proposed by Members of the International Honorary Board: Professor Maria Poprzęcka, Professor Zofia Rosińska, Maksymilian Celeda, Professor Wiktor Jędrzejec, Mikael Kihlman, Professor Akira Kurosaki, Professor Jan Pamula, Professor Stanisław Wieczorek and Boris Zhutovski.

1221 works by 358 artists from 40 countries were submitted. The Qualifying Panel, composed of prominent graphic artists from different centres in Poland, whose sessions were held on 16-18 March 2011, admitted to the exhibition works by 170 artists. Members of the International Judging Panel: Professor Paul Coldwell (Chairman), Ewa Gorządek, Professor Jiang Lu, Modhir Ahmed, Professor Paweł Nowak and Vladimir Tsesler, nominated the prize-winners on 23-25 May 2011.

The gala opening of the exhibition and awards ceremony will take place on 15 October 2011 in Kubicki Arcades, Royal Castle in Warsaw. The exhibition will showcase works made in traditional graphic techniques as well as in modern technologies. The exhibition will also include artwork by members of the Qualifying Panel and of the International Panel.

The second edition of the IMPRINT Triennial is held under the patronage of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, the Mayor of Warsaw, the Marshal of the Mazowsze Region, and received the patronage of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2011.

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imprint 2011

imprint 2011

imprint 2011

Prezydent Miasta Stołecznego Warszawy Minister Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego Prezydecja 2011 Fundacja "Stypendia i Nagrody im. Tadeusza Kulisiewicza" Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie Mazowsze serce Polski Zakochaj się w Warszawie Zamek Królewski w Warszawie Pałac w Jabłonnie Fundacja im. Mariusza Kazany Mistrerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych